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GALLERY EXHIBITION| UNAPOLOGETIC: Capturing Activists in the Music Scene

Updated: Jan 5, 2019

  • Leonardo Claudio finished up his Boston Career with an exhibition displaying three years of Concert photography focusing on musicians that used their status to shine a spotlight on marginalized issues.

Alongside over 30 pieces curated by Leonardo, he organized a seven-act live performance celebrating the local artists of Boston for a combined audience of over 400 people both virtually and physically. The performers included:

Giday the Griot - An Ethiopian- born Reggae artist who has lived the last several years in Boston performing, releasing his debut album, "Divine" and Co-owning a Hip-Hop Hub called Mass Apparel.

Anson Rap$-

Amanda Shae-

Jemyle Jones- A New York feature

Tim Hall-


Red Shaydez-

Shabazz Mor-

Performers took turns praising Leo for his work within their community, and Leo spoke of the need for artists of color to take up more space. They commended his constant presence and support for emerging artists, where in today's digital age, visuals can equal the power of the work itself.

As Oompa put it " [Leo] makes us look and feel like gold."

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